Reece, Kansas

Vintage Reece, Kansas. Colorized

Vintage Reece, Kansas. Touch of color by LOA.

Reece, Kansas, is an unincorporated ghost town in southwest Greenwood County.

A post office opened in the vicinity on December 8, 1870, that was called Collins. However, on January 29, 1883, the name was changed to Reece.

Though the town was situated on the Missouri Pacific Railroad, it grew slowly, and by 1910, it was called home to only about 100 people. However, there were churches, schools, mercantile establishments, express and telegraph offices, and a money order post office with one rural route.

Christian Church, Reece, Kansas by Kathy Alexander.

Christian Church, Reece, Kansas, by Kathy Alexander.

Over the years, Reece continued to be a small agricultural community and grew no further. Its post office closed on July 14, 1967. Today, it appears to have no open businesses, a scattering of homes, and just a handful of people.

It is located about nine miles southwest of Eureka, the county seat.

Compiled by Kathy Alexander/Legends of Kansas, updated September 2023.

Also See:

Greenwood County

Kansas Counties

Kansas History

Kansas Places & Destinations

Like many other ghost towns, Reece is filled with trash and junk by Kathy Alexander.

Like many other ghost towns, Reece is filled with trash and junk, by Kathy Alexander.

Overgrown buildings in Reece, Kansas by Kathy Alexander.

Overgrown buildings in Reece, Kansas, by Kathy Alexander.


Blackmar, Frank W.; Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History, Vol I; Standard Publishing Company, Chicago, IL 1912.
Cutler, William G; History of Kansas; A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL, 1883.