Everyplace in Kansas – L

Little Jerasulum Badlands in Logan County, Kansas by Dave Alexander.

Little Jerasulum Badlands in Logan County, Kansas, by Dave Alexander.

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Place Name County Place Type Post Office Dates More Information
La Blanche Sherman Lost Town Vacated 1905.
La Coy Crawford Lost Town 1876-1883 The post office was moved from Strongstown.
La Crosse Rush Current Town County seat.
La Cygne Linn Current Town
La Fayette, La Fayette Landing Doniphan Lost Town 1857-1871 Steamboat landing in about 1845. Townsite 1856. Henry Lott, postmaster. Like so many projected towns, Lafayette never achieved an existence of any notable amount.
La Grange Morris Lost Town 1868-1871
La Harpe Allen Current Town
La Mont’s Hill, Lamont Greenwood Current Town Now Lamont.
La Mont’s Hill Osage Lost Town 1871-1887 The post office moved to Vassar.
La Ness Lane/Ness Lost Town On the line of Lane and Ness Counties. 1887.
La Paz Elk Lost Town 1872-1874
La Port Grant Lost Town Post office at Shockeyville, 1887.
La Porte/Smithton Doniphan Lost Town 1855-1859 The name changed from Smithton to La Porte on February 12, 1858. Incorporated 1860; vacated 1864.
Laban, Labon Mitchell Lost Town Discontinued 1882.
Labette Labette Extinct Town 1870-1986 On the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway. Five miles north of Chetopa. The post office closed on January 17, 1986.
Labette County Labette Current County NA Formed from Neosho County in 1867. The county seat is Oswego.
Lackman Johnson Lost Town None A station on the Frisco Railroad, Lackman was three miles north of Olathe.
Laclede-Eagle Pottawatomie Lost Town 1871-1906 The name changed to Laclede on December 4, 1874.
Lacona Woodson Lost Town
Ladore/Fort Roach Neosho Lost Town 1867-1901 Located in the southern part of Neosho County, Ladore was first called Fort Roach in honor of James N. Roach, its principal founder. The report of its probably being made the railroad junction, where shops and businesses were to be built, was the cause operating in favor of its rapid advancement, which, for a time, was scarcely paralleled.
Ladysmith Clay Lost Town 1900-1906 It is a hamlet ten miles southwest of Clay Center. In 1910, it had a general store and a population of 20. Today, the site is along Kiowa Road.
Lael Russell Lost Town 1904 The post office order of change was rescinded.
Lafayette (Landing) Doniphan Lost Town 1857-1871 Entered as a townsite in July 1857 but had existed as a steamboat landing since about 1845 when millwork for the Iowa/Sac & Fox Presbyterian Mission was unloaded at this point. In 1868 there was a sawmill, lumber dealer, dry goods store, grocery stores, physician, and a large hotel. The hotel was moved to Fanning after the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad was constructed in 1870-71. Henry Lott, postmaster.
Lafayette Stevens Lost Town Located west of Liberal.
Lafontaine/La Fontaine Wilson Ghost Town 1879-1991 In Talleyrand Township of Wilson County, Kansas, got its start on March 14, 1879, when a post office was established.
Lagrange Marshall Lost Town 1875-1901 Located in the southeastern part of the county, about 21 miles from Marysville, it had 25 inhabitants in 1910.
Laing Rawlins Lost Town A settlement in 1879.
Laird Ness
Lake City Barber Extinct Town 1873-1993
Lake Creek Labette 1870-1872 Lake Creek
Lake Fork Lost Town
Lake Fort Scott Bourbon Waterway NA
Lake Quivira Wyandotte Current Town NA Lake Quivira, partly in Johnson County, is both a city and a private country club. There is no public access.
Lake Sibley Cloud Lost Town 1868 Four miles north of Concordia, same as Fort Sibley and Sibley, located in 1868, abandoned early in the 1870s.
Lake View/Lake Village McPherson Lost Town 1870-1889 The name changed from Lake Village to Lake View on June 6, 1872.
Lakeside Bourbon Lost Town 1885-1900 Located five miles southeast of Uniontown. W.C. Rose was the first postmaster, and the post office was located in his home.
Lakin Kearny Current Town County seat. It was on the Mountain Branch of the Santa Fe Trail and the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.
Lakin Harvey Lost Town 1872-1873 The post office moved to Halstead.
Lamasco Graham Lost Town
Lamb’s Point or Lamb’s Station Dickinson Lost Town 1863-1865
Lamoil Riley Lost Town 1881-1884
Lamont Greenwood Lost Town 1877-1884
Lamont Sedgwick Lost Town 1877-1884
Lanark Pawnee Lost Town 1878-1883
Lancaster Atchison Ghost Town
Landis’ Ferry Doniphan Lost Place Established in 1856 on the Missouri River at Doniphan. John Landis, proprietor.
Landondale, Mount Vernon Doniphan Lost Town
Landrum Clark Lost Town
Lane Franklin Current Town
Lane Miami Lost Town 1855-1856 P.O. was established on March 3, 1855, with A.F. Powell as postmaster; abolished in 1856.
Lane County Lane Current County NA Created in 1886 from unorganized area. Dighton is the county seat.
Lanesburg or Lanes Crossing Marshall Lost Town 1863-1868 It was on the Big Blue River between Irving and Blue Rapids.
Lanesfield Johnson Lost Town 1861-1870 Absorbed into Edgerton.
Laneville Labette Lost Town 1884-1920 Laneville, a country post office in Labette County, was on the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad in Neosho Township. It was located after the railroad was built. In 1910, its population was 20, and it had one store. It was 12 miles north of Oswego, the county seat.
Lang/Hortonburg Lyon Lost Town 1882-1900
This community, first known as Hortonburg, was established in 1882
Langdon Reno Ghost Town 1873-1992 The post office moved from Leonville. Langdon was a station on the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad 16 miles southwest of Hutchinson. It is still a very small town with some interesting old buildings.
Lanham Washington Ghost Town 1914-1923 Lanham is an unincorporated community in Washington County, Kansas, and Gage County, Nebraska.
Langley Ellsworth Lost Town Located in the southeast corner of Ellsworth County
Lanno Clark Lost Town
Lansing Leavenworth Current Town 1875-Present The post office was first called Petersburg. Changed to Lansing.
Lapeer 1873-1902
Lapland Greenwood Lost Town 1871-1906 Located in Salem Township, 16 miles northwest of Eureka.
Lappin Nemaha Name Change P.O. 1876; now Oneida.
LaPorte/Smithton Doniphan Lost Town 1858-1859 Alfred Barnett, postmaster. Originally named Smithton.
Larimer/Ritchie Montgomery Lost Town 1887-1905 The post office moved from Radical City. The name changed from Ritchie to Larimer on February 6, 1890. It was a station on the Missouri Pacific Railroad five miles north of Independence. In 1910 its population was 50.
Larimore Franklin Lost Town
Larkin Atchison Lost Town
Larkinburg/Larkin Jackson Lost Town 1872-1963 It was laid out in 1880, although a post office called Larkin had existed since 1872.
Larned Pawnee Current Town 1872-Present The county seat, the town was named after Fort Larned. It is on the Santa Fe Trail and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.
Lashmet Kingman Lost Town 1890-1897
Lasita Riley Lost Town 1892-1935
Lasker Ford Lost Town 1886-1887 A short-lived Jewish community that hoped to establish a utopian town.
Lasswell Barber Lost Town 1905-1931 It was located in Eagle Township, 12 miles southwest of Medicine Lodge, the nearest shipping point.
Latham Butler Current Town
Latimer Morris Ghost Town Named for town promotor. It was on the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad in 1887.
Laton Lost Town 1878-1904
Lattaville Leavenworth Lost Town
Laura McPherson Lost Town
Laurel Hodgeman Lost Town 1886-1912 A country post office, it was located in Hallet Township, about ten miles west of Jetmore, the nearest shipping point. In 1910, it had mail tri-weekly and a population of 18.
Laurence Leavenworth Lost Town
Lavinia Lost Town The Town company was incorporated in 1855.
Lawn Anderson Lost Town 1899 The post office was only open for about eight months.
Lawndale Jackson Lost Town 1877-1882
Lawnridge Cheyenne Lost Town 1885-1896
Lawrence Butler Lost Town
Lawrence Douglas Current Town County seat. Named after Amos A. Lawrence, promoter of the Emigrant Aid Society. It was on the Kansas Pacific Railroad and the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad.
Lawrence No. 2 Doniphan Lost Town Near the Missouri River. In 1856 it was a trading post and emigrant campsite on Smith Creek about 2.5 miles southeast of Smithton.
Lawrenceburg/Salt Creek Cloud Lost Town 1868-1869
The post office name changed from Salt Creek to Lawrenceburg on January 15, 1869. L.D. Lawrence, a Cloud County pioneer.
Lawson Grant Lost Town 1887-1925 Located about 15 miles southeast of Ulysses.
Layton Chautauqua Named for the Layton brothers, pioneer cattlemen.
Layton Elk Lost Town
Lazette Cowley Lost Town 1872-1880 The post office moved from Jeffersonville. In 1880, it moved to Cambridge.
Leanna Allen Lost Town 1881-1920 It was a village in the extreme southern part of the county about six miles southeast of Humboldt,  the most convenient railroad station. In 1910, it had a money order post office, was a local trading center for the neighborhood, and had a population of 50.
Leath’s Town Marshall Lost Town
Leavenworth Leavenworth Current Town County seat. The city was organized on June 13, 1854, by 32 people from Weston, Missouri, representing both Free State and pro-slavery positions. On the Leavenworth & Pikes Peak Express and Kansas Pacific Railroad.
Leavenworth County Leavenworth Current County NA One of the original 36 counties, it was created in 1855. Leavenworth is the county seat.
Leavenworth Ferry Leavenworth Established in 1855 on the Missouri River at Leavenworth. Thomas C. Shoemaker, Jarret Todd & Samuel D. Pitcher, Proprietors.
Leawood Johnson Current Town
Lebanon Smith Current Town Geographic Center of the Continental United States.
Lebo Coffey Current Town Named for Joe Leabo, a pioneer on Lebo Creek.
Lebo Creek Coffey Lost Town 1872-1880
Lebo Creek Coffey Stream NA Lebo Creek is located 11.3 miles from Burlington, Kansas, in Coffey County. It is also near Hartford, Kansas, in Lyon County. Alternate names for this stream include Sebos Branch.
Lebreton Leavenworth 1884-1885
Lecompton Douglas Current Town The town company was organized in the winter of 1854-1855 with pro-slavery presidential appointees with political connections in the Bogus Legislature; the territorial capital was established here.
Lee Hamilton Lost Town 1886-1891
Lee Norton Lost Town 1876-1883
Leesburg Stafford Lost Town Town disbanded in 1912. Located near Stafford, Kansas. Believed to be named for J.H. Lee. Only the old Leesburg Cemetery is left.
Leedsville Cherokee Name Change Changed to Galena.
Leeser Finney Lost Town None Jacob Warshawski brought his father and about a dozen other Russian Jewish families from New York to settle Leeser in 1886. It was named for Rabbi Isaac Leeser, who was the editor of a popular Jewish magazine, Occident. Many of the inhabitants were related. A blizzard in 1886, a tornado in 1887, and a drought beginning in 1888 led to its demise. By 1890, it was gone.
Leffel Ness Lost Town
Leghorn Pottawatomie Lost Town
Le Grand/New Arcadia Osborne Lost Town
Lehigh Marion Current Town
Lehunt Montgomery Current Town
Leland Kingman Lost Town 1886 The post office was open for less than four months. After it closed, it was moved to Spivey.
Leland Morris Lost Town Discontinued 1882.
Le Loup/Ferguson Franklin Extinct Town 1870-1954  In the northeastern part of the county, it started as a station on the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Fort Gibson Railroad in 1870. The name was changed from Ferguson to Le Loup on May 8, 1879. There are still a few homes in the area.
Lena Valley Lyon Lost Town 1872-1887 Established in Greenwood County. The site moved to Lyon County.
Lenape Leavenworth Lost Town 1868-1943 Lenape was founded in Sherman Township in 1867 on the main line of the Kansas Pacific Railroad.
Lenexa Johnson Current Town
Lenora Norton Current Town
Leon Butler Current Town On the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad.
Leon Clay Lost Town The Town company was incorporated in 1860.
Leon Morris Lost Town 1862-1869 The post office moved to Lyona in 1869.
Leona Doniphan Extinct Town 1873-1986 Located on the Wolf River in Wolf River Township, started in 1873. As of the 2020 census, the population was 41. It still has scattered homes, buildings, and an active Methodist Church.
Leonard Sherman Lost Town
Leonardville, Alembic, Leonard Riley Current Town Named for Leonard T. Smith, president of the Kansas Central Railway. The name changed from Alembic to Leonard and then to Leonardville to avoid confusion with Larned. The town was a Swedish community.
Leopa Pottawatomie Lost Town Four miles north of Fancy Creek; discontinued 1882.
Leopaa Clay Lost Town 1875-1882 A settlement established in 1870 in the northeast corner of Clay County, 16 miles from Clay Center, the county seat, 12 from Greenleaf, the nearest shipping point.
Leopold Republic Lost Town 1882-1883 The settlement was vacated by July 1882.
Leota Norton Lost Town 1874-1881 Leota was located on Prairie Dog Creek in the central part of Norton County. The town site was settled in 1873.
Leoti Wichita Current Town County seat.
Leoville Barton Lost Town 1880-1881 The post office moved to Nathan.
Leonville Reno Lost Town 1873 The post office was only open for six months. It was moved to Langdon. The town was six miles west of Partridge.
Lerado/Netherland Reno Lost Town 1874-1904 The town was named after Laredo, Texas but was misspelled when the application went in for a post office.
Leroy Coffey Current Town On the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway.
Leroy Doniphan Lost Town Platted in 1857 just north of Wathena.
Leslie Reno Lost Town 1874-1887 The post office moved to Medora.
Lesterville Saline Lost Town 1872-1875
Letitia Clark Lost Town
Letitia Thomas Lost Town
Levant Thomas Extinct Town 1888-2004 The post office closed on June 19, 2004.
Levy Sumner Lost Town
Lewis Edwards Current Town Named for the Lewis family, town promoters.
Lewis Centre Republic Lost Town 1886-1887
Lewis’ Ferry Atchison Lost Place Established in 1854 on the Missouri River at Lewis’ Point, Captain Calvin Lewis, Proprietor.
Lewiston Cherokee Lost Town 1869-1871
Lewiston Doniphan Lost Place Ferry landing opposite Robidoux’s Blacksnake Hills Trading Post in about 1856.
Lexington Brown Lost Town 1856
Lexington Clark Lost Town
Lexington Johnson Lost Town 1857-1863 Incorporated 1857. This small town located three miles south of DeSoto was laid out in 1857 by pro-slavery settlers.
Lexington Nemaha Lost Town NA Situated on the Lane’s Trail, Lexington was a stop on the Underground Railroad that came through the eastern part of the county. Three miles southeast of present Sabetha,
Lima Elk Lost Town 1874-1887
Lott Barton Lost Town 1880-1882
Merchant Lost Town Vacated 1864. Fifteen miles east of Lawrence.
Lexington Osage Lost Town
Liberal Seward Current Town County seat. Named after a pioneer who led thirsty travelers to free water. When a town was established in 1888 at “the liberal well,” the town was named Liberal. It was on the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad in 1888
Liberty Montgomery Current Town  Moved to the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston Railroad
Liberty Woodson Lost Town 1867-1869
Lida Chase Lost Town 1876-1888 The post office was at Prairie Hill, with Bill Spencer as postmaster. It was six miles southwest of Cottonwood Falls.
Liebenthal Rush Current Town 1880
Established in 1876 by immigrants from the Saratov/Volga region of Ukraine in Russia.
Lieblichdorp Rush Lost Town The German name for Pleasant Dale.
Lilly McPherson Lost Town 1874-1879
Lily Morris Lost Town 1881-1887
Lima Allen Lost Town
Lima-Wyoming Valley Clay Lost Town 1865-1873 The name changed from Wyoming Valley to Lima on January 15, 1867.
Lima Elk Lost Town
Limestone Washington Lost Town 1864-1872
Lincoln Bourbon See Fort Lincoln.
Lincoln Clay Lost Town Incorporated 1860.
Lincoln Nemaha Lost Town 1861-1868 Named for Abraham Lincoln. It was established in 1860 at the crossing of the South Fork of the Nemaha River. Founded by J. E. Hocker. Luther Jones, postmaster.
Lincoln/Lincoln Centre Lincoln Current Town County seat. Named for Abraham Lincoln.
Lincoln City Greenwood Lost Town
Lincoln County Lincoln Current County Created from unorganized area in 1867. Lincoln is the county seat.
Lincolnville Marion Current Town
Lindale Osage Lost Town See Fairfax.
Lindale, Linndale Rush Lost Town 1888-1905
Lindon Nemaha Lost Town
Lindsborg McPherson Current Town The primary colony from Sweden was located at Lindsborg. Dr. Carl Swensson was the pastor of the Bethany Lutheran Church in 1881 when he founded Bethany College.
Lindsey Ottawa Lost Town Named for a pioneer.
Line Greenwood Lost Town 1878-1879 Established in Lyon County (site moved.)
Line Lyon Lost Town
Line Reno Lost Town 1879 The post office was only open for three months
Linn Washington Current Town
Linn County Linn Current County NA One of the original 36 counties, it was created in 1855. Mound City is the county seat.
Linn Valley Linn Current Town
Linnville Linn Lost Town None Once the county seat, it was located about three miles east of Farlinville.
Linton/Miami/Woytown Linn Lost Town 1881-1903 Located about eight miles south of Pleasanton, it was first called Woytown
Linwood Leavenworth Current Town On the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad and the Kansas Pacific Railroad.
Lionstone Crawford Lost Town
Lisbon Chautauqua Lost Town
Lisbon Gove Lost Town 1889-1890
Litchfield Crawford Lost Town 1878-1903 Litchfield was a busy coal-mining town on Carbon Creek. It was first called Edwin but was renamed Litchfield in 1881. It was located four miles northeast of New Pittsburg.
Little Arkansas Rice Lost Town Station on Santa Fe Trail, about 36 miles east of Ellinwood.
Little Dutch Cowley Name Change Now Akron.
Little Grasshopper Creek Bridge Atchison Lost Place Established in about 1850 on the Ft. Leavenworth & Ft. Laramie road. A farmer named Howell lived at this crossing in 1860. It was six miles from Kennekuk.
Little Oak Jewell Lost Town 1879-1880 Little Oak was in the southwestern corner of Jewell County, eight miles north of Cawker City, from which it receives a daily mail after its post office closed.
Little River McPherson Lost Town 1875-1877
Little River Rice Current Town
Little Santa Fe Johnson Lost Town
Little Stranger Leavenworth Lost Town 1860-1866 The post office moved to Kelly’s Station. Two miles south of Penitentiary Station.
Little Town or Little Osage Town Labette Lost Town Now part of Oswego. Its Indian name was Kee-i-tone.
Little Valley McPherson Lost Town 1873-1888
Little Walnut Butler Name Change 1870 Established 1870; now Leon.
Littledale Dickinson Lost Town 1884 The post office was only open for about five months.
Littleton Sumner Lost Town 1871-1879 The post office moved to Mulvane. Littleton was three miles south and one mile east of Mulvane on 120th Ave North on the east side of the Arkansas River.
Liverpool Grant Lost Town 1888-1898
The post office was originally established in Stanton County. It closed in 1898 and moved to Grant County.
Livingston Cherokee Lost Town it was on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad.
Livingston Stafford Lost Town
Locknan, Powhattan Brown Lost Town The name changed to Powhattan; It was a Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express station.
Lockport Gray Lost Town Vacated 1893.
Lockport Haskell Lost Town Vacated 1903.
Loco Haskell Lost Town Vacated 1891.
Loco Seward Lost Town
Locust Greeley Lost Town 1913-1919
Locust Grove Atchison Lost Town 1862-1887 The post office moved from Mount Pleasant.
Loda Center Reno Lost Town None It had a school with an enrollment of 34 in the early 1900s. It was located between Lerado and Pretty Prairie, at the intersection of Pretty Prairie Road and Hodge Road.
Lodi Barber Lost Town 1877-1895 A small village in southern of Barber County, stock raising was its chief industry. In 1885, it had semi-weekly mail delivered by stagecoach. It was 17 miles southwest of Medicine Lodge, the county seat, and 42 miles east of Harper, its nearest railroad point.
Lodiana Rice Lost Town
Loette Kingman Lost Town
Log Chain Nemaha Lost Town 1864-1868 Log Chain, Kansas, was established in Nemaha County in 1860 as a Pony Express Station with H. Rising, the proprietor. John Hazzard was the first. postmaster.
Logan Phillips Current Town
Logan County Logan Current County NA Formed from Wallace County in 1888. It was first called St. John County. Oakley is the county seat.
Logansport Logan Lost Town 1887-1888
It was laid out in 1887 by the Union Pacific Railroad Town Site Company.
Lois Sherman Lost Town
Lola Barber Lost Town 1875-1878 The post office moved to Springvale.
Lola Cherokee Lost Town 1867-1869 The post office moved to Millersburgh.
Lomando Woodson Lost Town 1895-1903 In 1910, it was a station on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad about six miles northeast of Yates Center.
Lombard Greeley Lost Town 1887 The post office was only open for three months.
London Sumner Lost Town 1871-1887 It was four miles west and four miles north of Belle Plaine at 130th Ave North and Seneca Road.
London Falls Dickinson Lost Town
Lone Elm Anderson Current Town
Lone Elm Chautauqua Lost Town
Lone Elm Campground Johnson Lost Place Established in 1825 at the head of Cedar Creek on Santa Fe Trail from Independence, Missouri. It was located south of Olathe.
Lone Oak Crawford Lost Town 1884-1886 A coal mining camp northwest of Pittsburg on the other side of Cow Creek.
Lone Star/Bond Douglas Extinct Town 1875-1953 First settled in 1854 by pro-slavery advocates who wanted slavery to be legal in Kansas Territory. The town’s name changed from Bond to Lone Star in 1899. This area still has an active church, another commercial building, and several area homes.
Lone Star Sumner Lost Town 1875-1876
Lone Tree Cherokee Lost Town
Lone Tree Cowley Lost Town 1870-1872
Lone Tree/Empire McPherson Lost Town 1872-1888 The name changed from Lone Tree to Empire on August 10, 1880.
Lone Tree Sumner Lost Town See Darien.
Lone Walnut Lincoln Lost Town 1878-1887
Long Branch Norton Lost Town 1875-1882 This was a country settlement formed in 1875 on the stream from which it took its name in the northwestern part of Norton County. Butter and eggs were its principal exports, and its nearest shipping point was Parks Fort, 60 miles away. Its mail was delivered semi-weekly to George B. Wray, postmaster. It was 16 miles from Norton, the county seat.
Long Island Phillips Current Town
Longford Clay Current Town
Longton Elk Current Town
Lookout Clay Lost Town
Lookout McPherson Lost Town 1879-1880
Lookout Station, Lookout Hollow Ellis Lost Town Overland station, six miles south of Hays.
Loraine, Lorraine Nemaha Lost Town -2017 The post office closed on November 18, 2017.
Lorena Butler Lost Town 1872-1902 The St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad went through the land of Stephen Harrison Chase, and a townsite was laid out. When Andover was laid out, Lorena died.
Lorenz Finney Lost Town 1887-1889 Lorenz was located in the southeast corner of Garfield Township. It had a post office and several places of business during the boom years of 1886-1888. It was vacated in 1893.
Lorette Kingman Lost Town
Loring/Indianola Shawnee Lost Town
Loring Wyandotte Extinct Town 1877-1954 Loring was the last station on the Union Pacific Railroad in the county. It is now a neighborhood of Bonner Springs.
Lorette Kingman Extinct Town 1877-1883 The post office moved to Oakland when it closed.
Loretto Rush Lost Town None Established in 1912, the settlers of Loretto were an offshoot of the Pfeifer Catholic parish in nearby Ellis County.
Loring Shawnee Lost Town 1855 The post office was only open for 11 months before moving to Indianola.
Lorraine Ellsworth Current Town
Lost Creek Linn Lost Town 1873-1877
Lost Creek Toll Road Pottawatomie Lost Place None A corduroy road was established in 1855, about four miles east of the Red Vermillion crossing of the Oregon Trail. In 1844,  James Clyman and Nathaniel Ford pioneered a new trail up Lost Creek to cross the Red Vermillion River near present Laclede and rejoin the original trail at Rock Creek (Westmoreland.)
Lost Spring, Lost Spring  Station Marion Lost Place 1861-1864 Old Lost Springs was a watering place and trading post on the Santa Fe Trail. It was located about 15 miles west of Diamond Springs.
Lost Springs Marion Current Town 1879-Present on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad and the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad.
Lostine, Petersville Cherokee Lost Town 1866-1879 The name changed from Petersville to Lostine in 1869. The post office moved to Beaumont in 1879.
Lott Barton Lost Town
Louisa Springs Lost Place Overland station.
Louisburg Miami Current Town
Louisburg Montgomery Lost Town
Louise Sedgwick Lost Town 1877-1880
Louisiana Douglas Paper Town A paper town, later Salem, was incorporated in 1855. Two miles northwest of Baldwin.
Louisville/Rock Creek Pottawatomie Current Town 1856-Present Louisville, Kansas, is a small town in south-central Pottawatomie County. As of the 2020 census, the city’s population was 131. It was first called Rock in 1856 and changed its name to Louisville on July 19, 1867.
Lovejoy Clay Lost Town 1873-1876 The post office moved to Industry.
Lovewell-Lovewell Station Jewell Lost Town 1888-1972 Lovewell, Kansas, is a ghost town in Sinclair Township of Jewell County. In 1910, it had express and telegraph offices, a post office, and a population of 200. By 1915, Lovewell was being hailed as the fastest-growing town in the county.
Lowe Finney Lost Town Named for Thaddeus Lowe, a military man.
Lowell Cherokee Lost Town 1868-1905 Located on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad. It was named for the town promoter.
Lowell Rooks Lost Town
Lowemont Leavenworth Lost Town 1888-1938 Located in the county’s northern portion on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad.
Lower Robidoux Crossing Marshall Lost Place None Crossing of Vermillion Creek, south of Beattie, Kansas. The following names are carved on rocks on the west bank: Michel Robidoux, James Bridger, C.F. Smith, J. S. Jones, J. Frey & L. Row. Life Cemetery is on the west side of the creek.
Loyal-Pansy-Pattenville Finney Lost Town 1880-1881
This place was first called Pattenville but was changed to Pansy on November 28, 1881. The name was changed again on March 3, 1882, to Loyal.
Lucas Russell Current Town
Lucas/Marshall Pawnee Lost Town 1878-1894 The name changed to Marshall in 1886.
Lucerne Rooks Lost Town
Lucerne Sheridan Lost Town 1879-1943 Lucerne was a hamlet in Adell Township, 18 miles northeast of Hoxie, the county seat. Today, only the cemetery remains.
Lucretia, California Lane Lost Town
Luctor Phillips
Ludell Rawlins 1876-2002 This place went through a series of names – Prag (1876-79), Kelso (1879-80), Danube, and Ludell in 1881. Its post office closed on September 28, 2002.
Luella Bourbon Lost Town Chartered 1858.
Lulie Gove Lost Town 1880-1882
Lulu Mitchell Lost Town
Lulu Valley Pratt Lost Town
Lund Clay Lost Town 1885-1886
Lura Russell Lost Town
Luray/Lurray Russell Current Town
Lusk Cherokee Lost Town 1898 The post office was only open for 11 days. Order of change rescinded.
Luther Morris Lost Town 1880-1887 It was about 2.5 miles from Dwight.
Luther Washington Lost Town 1895-1904 Though the post office was authorized, it was never in operation. This hamlet was located 12 miles southwest of Washington, the county seat, five miles from Palmer, the nearest shipping point, and ten miles from Clifton, the post office from which it received its mail.
Luzerne Sheridan Lost Town
Lydia Wichita
Lyle Decatur
Lyna Geary Lost Town Founded in 1854.
Lyndon Osage Current Town County seat.
Lynn Creek Shawnee Lost Town 1872-1874
Lyon Miami Lost Town
Lyon County Lyon Current County NA One of the original 36 counties, it was created in 1855 and was first called Breckenridge County. The county seat is Emporia.
Lyona Dickinson Lost Town 1869-1888 The post office moved from Leon. Many settlers in the Lyona community were of German descent, and the German language was used in the church and school until after the turn of the century. Near the beautiful Lyona church is a small cemetery.
Lyons Rice Current Town County seat. It was on the Santa Fe Trail. Freeman J. Lyons laid out the town in 1876. Its major industry was salt. The first salt shaft was sunk in 1890.
Lura Russell Lost Town 1872-1888 The post office moved to Luray when it closed.


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